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Enfermería maternoinfantil: A Comprehensive Guide by Sharon J. Reeder, Leonide L. Martin and Deborah Koniak

Enfermería maternoinfantil is a Spanish book that covers the theory and practice of maternal and child nursing. It was written by Sharon J. Reeder, Leonide L. Martin and Deborah Koniak, who are experts in the field of obstetrics, gynecology, pediatrics and neonatology. The book was published by Interamericana in 1995 and has 1421 pages. It is intended for students and professionals who want to learn about the care of women, newborns, children and families in different settings and situations.


The book is divided into six parts: Part I: Introduction to maternal and child nursing; Part II: The reproductive years; Part III: The childbearing family; Part IV: The newborn; Part V: The growing child and family; Part VI: The child with special needs. Each part contains several chapters that cover topics such as anatomy and physiology, health promotion, assessment, diagnosis, interventions, complications, pharmacology, ethics, legal issues, research, education and communication. The book also includes case studies, tables, figures, charts, graphs, illustrations, photos, glossaries, appendices and references to enhance the learning experience.

Enfermería maternoinfantil is a comprehensive guide that provides the most current and evidence-based information on maternal and child nursing. It is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their knowledge and skills in this area of nursing practice.


  • [Enfermería maternoinfantil - Sharon J. Reeder, Leonide L. Martin ...]


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