[S1E1] Help Wanted. =LINK=
While Drymon and Hill were writing the pilot, Hillenburg was also conducting auditions to find voices for the show's characters.[7] He had created the character of SpongeBob with Tom Kenny,[7][18] in which he utilised Kenny's and other people's personalities to help create its personality.[8] Drymon said, "Tom came in a few times so we could pitch him what we were working to help him find the right voice. Tom had already worked on lots of other animated shows, and Steve wanted to find an original sounding voice."[7] Kenny originally used the voice of SpongeBob for a very minor female alligator character named Al in Rocko's Modern Life who appeared in the episode "Dear John." Kenny forgot the voice initially, as he created it only for that single use. Hillenburg, however, remembered it when he was coming up with SpongeBob and used a video clip of the episode to remind Kenny of the voice.[8] Kenny says that SpongeBob's high-pitched laugh was specifically aimed at being unique, stating that they wanted an annoying laugh in the tradition of Popeye and Woody Woodpecker.[19]
[S1E1] Help Wanted.
Bill Fagerbakke voiced SpongeBob's best friend, a starfish named Patrick Star, in the episode. He auditioned for the role after Kenny had been cast as SpongeBob. Fagerbakke said, "Steve is such a lovely guy, and I had absolutely no feeling for the material whatsoever." He described his experience in the audition, saying, "I was just going in for another audition, and I had no idea what was in store there in terms of the remarkable visual wit and really the kind of endearing child-like humanity in the show. I couldn't pick that up from the audition material at all. I was just kind of perfunctorily trying to give the guy what he wanted."[21] For the part of Squidward, Hillenburg originally had Mr. Lawrence in mind for the role.[7] Lawrence worked with Hillenburg and Drymon before on Rocko's Modern Life, so while working on the episode, Hillenburg invited him to audition for all the characters.[22] Drymon said, "We were showing Doug the storyboard, and he started reading back to us in his Tony the Tiger/Gregory Peck voice. It was really funny, and we wound up having SpongeBob use a deep voice when he entered the Krusty Krab for the first time."[7] Hillenburg decided to give Lawrence the part of the series villain, Plankton, instead.[7]
The episode then goes to SpongeBob meeting a "land squirrel" named Sandy Cheeks, who maneuvers underwater with a special suit. She invites him to her underwater dome, where he slowly starts to die of dehydration. Rather than say anything about it, he decides that he doesn't need water. This doesn't end well."Tea at the Treedome" contains examples of: An Aesop: If you need something, just ask.
Arc Symbol: Raised pinky finger.
Blatant Lies: SpongeBob repeatedly tells himself that he doesn't need water while he's gasping for breath.
Clam Trap: SpongeBob first sees Sandy fighting off a giant clam, which eventually swallows her. He tries to pry it open (and is surprised he's actually doing it), but in the end the clam is no match for Sandy.
"Could Have Avoided This!" Plot: "If y'all needed water, you shoulda asked!"
Crash-Into Hello: Basically how SpongeBob's relationship with Sandy started, when he ends up being caught by the clam attacking him and Sandy.
Early-Installment Weirdness: This is the first appearance of a jellyfish in the show, and it has some clear differences from later jellyfish such as looking somewhat transparent and lacking the spots typically seen on jellyfish.
In this episode, the treedome is stated to be made of plastic. In later appearances, it's made of glass.
Patrick is strangely knowledgeable about fancy manners and even knows some of the jargon, a trait that'll never come up from his character again.
It was implied that SpongeBob had a crush on Sandy in this episode, from the way he brings her flowers to the way he was talking about her to Patrick.
Establishing Character Moment: The very first thing we see Sandy doing is fighting the giant clam, then rescuing SpongeBob from it, and then introducing herself in a friendly and casual manner while showing off her fighting ability.
Fingore: A very mild case. When Sandy takes the flowers from SpongeBob, part of his finger breaks off.
Fourth-Wall Portrait: SpongeBob and Patrick are turned into a real sea star and sponge when they run out of water.
Literal-Minded: Inverted; SpongeBob says Sandy wears air around her head, which Patrick interprets as "putting on airs" (i.e., acting pretentious). It helps that, to those unfamiliar with that phrase, it sounds like it could well be Patrick just being Patrick.
"Metaphor" Is My Middle Name:SpongeBob: "Air" is my middle name!
Minimalist Cast: Only SpongeBob, Patrick and Sandy appear in this episode.
Mundane Made Awesome: Sandy shows off her strength to SpongeBob by breaking a large rock with one hand. SpongeBob shows off to her by making a dynamic pose...and then making an armpit fart.
Now You Tell Me: Apparently, Patrick didn't notice there wasn't any water in Sandy's treedome until he went into it himself.
Oh, Crap!: Patrick gets a massive one once he starts to dehydrate inside the treedome:Patrick: WHAT KIND OF PLACE IS THIS?!? There's no water in here!
Sandy when she sees SpongeBob and Patrick dehydrated.
Poor Communication Kills: SpongeBob does ask Sandy for water, but Sandy assumes he means water for the flowers he brought.
Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: "You have fought well, giant clam. Prepare to be vanquished!"
Rescue Reversal: SpongeBob tries to save Sandy from the giant clam, but when he gets eaten by it, Sandy is the one who has to rescue him.
Second Episode Introduction: For Sandy.
Shaped Like Itself: Sandy describes the air in her treedome as the "most airiest air in the whole sea."
Smash Cut: When Sandy discovers that SpongeBob and Patrick have nearly dried up, there is a jarring cut to a live-action sponge and starfish.
Survival Mantra: SpongeBob referring to water, "I don't need it! I don't need it! I definitely don't need it." It becomes a Madness Mantra when he sees a vase of it in front of him before finally howling "I NEED IT!!!".
Too Dumb to Live: Patrick doesn't realize SpongeBob is dying inside the treedome until he goes in there himself and almost dies as a result.
The Unreveal: We never find out how or why Sandy is living at the bottom of the ocean, because SpongeBob runs off to get some water from the bird bath just as she starts to explain. We later learn that she's there For Science!, which is further explored in "Chimps Ahoy".
Wanting Is Better Than Having: SpongeBob discovers too soon that air is not the best lifestyle for a sea creature, and begins to steadily dehydrate.
Wins by Doing Absolutely Nothing: Subverted. SpongeBob "defeats" the giant clam simply because Sandy was plenty capable of getting out of it herself. And immediately afterwards, she has to save him.
Michael and Spencer tell the story of their initial ambitions with the site, which was primarily meant to fill a lack of online resources related to real estate financial modeling. The goal was to also help the both of them expand their knowledge and skill sets in areas that were of critical importance to their careers and share that work and what they learned with others.
Lenny Rachitsky: [00:06:40] Yeah. So first we built that, then we moved into building a community platform for the host community. To help them connect with each other and share stories and tips and tricks. So we built out what we call the groups or maybe groups, and then we moved into just building courthouse tooling. And then that morphed into both kind of a combination of host quality work. So I led a team that built things like the super host program and a few other programs that launched around that time. The review system helped make some changes there. And then in parallel, we worked on, or our team worked on a product called instant book. That made it a lot easier to book on Airbnb. So that was two and a half years of my life growing in some book. And then the last thing I did is for two and half years also was leading the supply growth team at Airbnb and then moved to the product. So originally as an engineer, I moved into product. And so I was doing all that as a product manager.
Lenny Rachitsky: [00:14:00] Yeah. But the way I think about it, there's two parts you should be thinking about. One is. We talked about this earlier, is this like just a good business in general? And then I'll talk through what I look for there. And then is this a good marketplace business? And I'd say most companies fail, not because they're a bad marketplace business, but because they're just not a good business in general. So most of my evaluation is just like, is this good at all? And then there's just, what are the attributes that will make this work as a marketplace? So within the first book, is this a good business in general? There's about seven things I look at. The first most important is just like, is this something anybody wants? Does it have any sort of product market fit? And so what I look for there is, is their attractions, their early amazing feedback is retention high. That's the most important metric if you have that. So one is, is this something anybody wants to, is the market big enough for this to become a really big business three years? Why this team and where are they the right team to build it? What's unique about their insights or their experience. Then why now? What's changed about the world or technology or the market that allows for this to exist now? The next is just what modes do they have? What's going to keep somebody from coming in and just squashing them and winning? And then how strong has just the business model in general. So the reason software is eating the world is because the business model is amazing. The margins are really high. You can scale it efficiently. You don't have to raise tons and tons of money. And then the last piece is just they have a growth strategy. Do they know how they're going to grow? Because that's often taken for granted. So that's the first bucket to helps me understand, is this a good business in general? And then is this a good marketplace business? So the first piece, similarly to the previous bucket, is this something both sides of the marketplace want? Because unlike a regular business that's not a marketplace, you have to find product market fit on both sides. You have to make supply and demand happy about what you want. And so on the demand side, the question you want answer is, is this better than the alternatives? That's maybe not a marketplace company. And then on the supply side, the key question I look for is, is this meaningful income for supply? So like, can I make enough money to make this worth my time? So for example, here being be on the one side, travelers want amazing places that are cheap to stay around the world. People with homes want to make some extra money. Both sides want that. And you can match those things up where it's enough money on both sides. Maybe an example of marketplace that didn't work is something I think about is a company called cherry. Which was car washes on demand where they come to you and they wash your car, and so on the one side, sure, I'd love someone to come to my house and wash my car for sure. And then on the other side, sure I can make money in wash people's cars, but the problem is the amount of money you have to charge to make that business work is too high. And so people don't want to pay that much. I forget what it costs, but they don't want to pay so much for someone to come to the house and wash their car. So that's an example of customers don't want that. 041b061a72